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dave weil
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On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 08:05:36 -0700, "ScottW"

"Bruce J. Richman" wrote in message
Dave Weil wrote:

That might be a good idea. That said, it's worth noting that Bush did
even condemn (in a vague, non-specific way) *any* of these ads for several
weeks *after* the first appearance of the attack ads against Kerry by the
so-called Swift Boat Veterans.

I heard a couple of attorneys on both side debate the legality of 527's and
the requirement to prove control and coordination with a campaign to
disallow the 527 exemption. Both agreed the president could condemn
specific adds from a group provided it caused no reaction. If the president
condemned a swift boat add and they pulled it as a consequence, he risked
being in violation of the law.

So, does this mean that the President has lost the right of free

Reality is the dems revealed the potential of 527's with the success of . Now they're regretting it.

I don't disagree, although there is a long history from both sides of
this sort of brokered advertising. I'm tired of having side groups do
the dirty work for the candidates. This doesn't mean that they can't
air the most foul sort of invective, but they'd better have their
facts straight or face the consequences.

I also have to say the first add has some disputeable content but the book
still shows him to be a repeat liar (christmas in Cambodia).

I don't think that this proves that he's a liar. I think that it shows
the fog of war. I can certainly imagine being 5 miles one side or the
other of the border in jungle terrain and thinking that you've crossed
that border.

However the second (current add) is Kerry's own words and reveals him to be the traitor
he is. The resentment to his antiwar actions among Vietnam vets appears to
be very strong.

Since when does speaking out on a non-war that ended up costing 50,000
US lives with no particular strategic value constitute traitorous
behavior? Are we just supposed to sit idly by while Democrats and
Republicans wage non-war in such a fashion, especially when one had
actually been there to see the full effects?

Vietnam vetss are entitled to feel however they'd like about it. But
when they start stretching the truth, they are just as accountable as
the rest of us.
