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Default ALL amps are equal??

No, go read the thread. He's saying that if all that extra crap is equal,
the amps are THE EXACT SAME THING and there is NO reason to spend $1000 for
an amp when you can get the same thing at the flea market for $49.

Extra crap???? So you consider reliability, resale value, customer service,
build quality, actual watts, and features are extra crap? Clarify that for us
all will you?

Ok here it is Pug, this is what I am saying and you can quote me on this.

Ahem "If you operate the amp (virtually any amp) with its operating range, ie
no clipping, then the differences that can be measured will likely be below the
threshold of human hearing"
In other words, whatever differences there may be you wont hear them.

If you need more clarification on that just let me know.
