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Default Facing subs towards driver or away


I been having a debate with some mates lately on which is better, to have
you subs facing the driver or out the back of the car?
any opinions


Here's the deal on this. At subwoofer frequencies it makes no difference which
way the face of the woofer points. IOW, you can't aim a subwoofer.

On the other hand, it's often useful to face the driver/port away from the
listeners ears. This is because distortion products (higher harmonics), port
noise, suspension noise out-of-band artifacts and mid-range reflections off the
back wall of the enclosure radiated through the cone can help cause
localization. So facing the driver/port away from the listener so the cabinet
helps acoustically shadow these sounds can be useful.

Because acoustic sounds at subwoofer frequencies (approximately 100 Hz) are
omnidirectional the SPL/Frequency response will be uneffected either way.