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Scott Dorsey Scott Dorsey is offline
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Default converting WAV file to MP3

Phil W wrote:

So, you do not really need a file encoded with the original Fraunhofer
MP3 codec, which is not available for free, but just a file, that looks
like an MP3 encoded by whatever codec.
In such cases a LAME (=Lame AinĀ“t an MP3 Encoder, because of copyright
stuff) encoder with whatever program and the generated file with a .mp3
ending will be good enough for any browser.

The LAME encoder today is actually likely to sound better than the
Fraunhofer encoder on any particular material.

There was a time when the Fraunhofer encoder was a clear win with material
that had wider dynamic range and limited high frequency content, while the
LAME encoder was usually a win for material with limited dynamic range but
more high end. But things have changed and although there are still some
tracks that do better with the Fraunhofer encoder, most are likely to do
better with LAME if properly set.

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